Monday, June 4, 2007

Scrapbytes June 2007 Issue is Up!

Finally, the June 2007 issue of Scrapbytes is up!
It took me 3days to upload and format all the articles -- it's just not the most user-friendly program we're using. It's not that hard, it just takes a while -- and anything that keeps me from scrapping, that's not shopping and eating, is bound to be on my "Not So Hot" List!
The only thing that got me going were all the congratulatory messages I got from my contest winnings!
Thank you to all my contributors for this issue -- Nina, Addie, Au, Lee, Maybs, Helga, Liezl, Yan, Patrice, Liza, Jeff, Pia, Jenn, Joanne, April, Diane, Mia, Tin -- sa uulitin!

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